30 Year Old Reverend Khrystus V. K. Wallace |
30th June, 2017
Dear Youths of St. Kitts - Nevis, I want you to know that you are SPECIAL, you are UNIQUE, you are TALENTED, you are CREATIVE and I want you from today to put down the guns and begin to focus your efforts POSITIVELY. I am not going to tell you breakup your GANG, because in fact, every group, church, business, political organization is a GANG that either uses its energies positively or negatively.
What I will encourage you to do is to RESTRUCTURE your gang so that its NEW AIM would be to get occupied positively and stay positively occupied as you put down the GUNS from today. If you are afraid to turn it in, contact me and you can give me the GUN to take to the POLICE and I won’t ever say who I got it from. I promise. Turn your gang into a LEGAL BUSINESS. Start a clothing line, start a barbeque, start a bar, start a drink business, start selling snacks, start baking cakes, start doing graphic designs, look for a NEW idea on youtube and the internet and MARKET YOURSELF POSITIVELY. You are born to be a WINNER - change the way you think of yourself and people will change the way they think about you. Don’t be JEALOUS or GRUDGE of others, WORK HARD and GOD will help you and your endeavours.
The truth is, from reading HISTORY, the GLOBAL SYSTEM seems to be set on keeping some people upset and opressed by withholding CAPITAL or MONEY to start businesses therefore keeping us DEPENDENT on tGOVERNMENT. GOD GAVE US ALL BRAINS. LET’S THINK OUTSIDE OF THE BOX AND USE OUR CREATIVE ENERGIES TO RAISE MONIES FOR OUR BUSINESSES outside the bankers until they understand our POWER. There are many other avenues to raise capital for your business.. Let’s stop fighting each other and killing each other. Let’s begin to work together. Let us live together.
You need me and I need you to survive!
Let’s put down the GUNS - Let’s LOVE more. I appreciate you!!!
Reverend Khrystus V. K. Wallace
Founder and President (30 years)
Dare 2 Be Different International - www.daretobedifferentskn.com
KVK ENTERPRISES - www.kvklives.com