When I launched my computer repair business years ago, I
decorated a vehicle like an ambulance and called it The
CompuAmbulance (you remember my ZIZ Commercials?) I
also got a new number 664-0911 as the emergency number.
Because 95% of KVK's customers are girls or women over
the years, I got a lot of calls from girls and women which
caused me to end that service and just let people bring in
their computers.
Many times, when my younger brother and
Many times, when my younger brother and
I would respond to a call, girls or women would let us in
dressed in bras and panties alone or in a short towel, or let
us in their room to fix their computers while they lay on their
bed or come sit by us in something severely short. Women
know how to get what they want. So we just started going
out to senior citizens only. KVK REPAIRS COMPUTERS
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