Early this morning, I got a call from a Senior
member of the main Catholic Church in
Basseterre, St. Kitts asking if they could have
permission to come to Boyds and provide
some Free training sessions in different life
areas for my youth.
I was very surprised that
even Catholics follow what we do. Of course
I said yes. 1. Because that would take a little
strain off of me because ministry and dealing
with youth takes alot of Time and Energy out
of folks and
2. Since I started preaching at
Evangelical churches at age 15 across St.
Kitts and Nevis, since I started my Dare 2 Be
Different International Ministry, many of the
pastors and so called Ministers of The
Gospel condemn how I run my life and
ministry behind my back but smile with me in
front my face thinking I don't hear all they
If Catholics want to help us, who am I to
judge. I take all the help I can get because
we all trust in God.
Brother Khrystus V. K. Wallace
Dare 2 Be Different International - www.daretobedifferentskn.com
Founder & President - Since June 2008
Email: drkhrystus@kvklives.com
Whatsapp: 1-869-661-0118
Other Tel: 1-869-765-7270
SKYPE: kvkent

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