Wednesday, August 2, 2017

My Mother Mrs. Yvette Wallace Trained Us Well

Mrs. Yvette Wallace and Her Children (Left to Right) Stascius, Khrystus, Lemercius, Stanacius

How you train a child is very, very important. While I wait for my order at our community bar in Boyds - St. Kitts, I'll share with you what I remember from my mother Mrs Yvette Wallace's training. 

Each morning, mommy made it her business to wake us at a certain time to ensure that she timed our bodies and we would always be early for school. She made it her business either at mornings or at nights to chill with each of her children either individually or together just to always have an idea what was on our heart and minds. 

Mommy cooked everyday and we ate pot food except on Saturdays and she ensured that her entire family sat at the family table daily. Since she had all boys, she started talking to us about girls very early in Primary School. Mommy taught us about Wet dreams and being able to impregnate somebody's daughter and that was against the rules as she preached abstinence and never stopped us from having a girl friend. She just enforced one at a time. 

Mommy ensured that we had to go to church on Sundays, Midweek, Youths and the events of the church. For her, all secular events were a no, so as adults those things still don't interest any of her four sons. Mommy got us our own encyclopaedia books and computer very early and as an educator, she always bought us lots of books or educational toys. Mommy never stopped us from going by folks once she could call the parents to ensure that we were where we said we were and her rule was if you tell me you are going to point A, go to point A and come back. If you want to leave point A and go to point B, call to get permission. My Mommy was a teacher and headteacher and everybody knew her children so that made the situation good for her as every move we made she would know. Mommy instilled the importance of education, skills and music and her 4 sons have all three. She never really encouraged sports but didn't stop us if we wanted to. 

Mommy taught us the importance of sharing as each Christmas, she baked cakes and buns for the less fortunate and sent us to deliver and wish them Merry Christmas. Mommy gave each of us a start in life by saving on a personal bank account and handing it over to us at 18 or buying our first life investment to get us started in life. Up to today, she never stops talking and encouraging us to stay with God and make wise choices. 

With regards to Women, she always told us, "Don't clean ground for monkey run on." I guess that means know the type of girl we plan to invest in before she plays you and runs off with another man and you get the dirty end of the stick. Brother Khrystus

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