Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Ercille French: My Testimony - From Anxiety to Depression to Restoration To Hope

15th April, 2015

Sister Ercille French, Director - Turning Point International (St. Kitts-Nevis)

Dear Global Audience, 

I am led today to share my personal testimony with the hope that it will bless and encourage at least one person around the world.

When I found out that I was pregnant, I was very happy. I was ready to be a mother. Yes, I am a single parent, as much as it sounds rather not fitting as a single person. I was a Christian when I got pregnant. Yes I messed up big time too!

I am not perfect and don't pretend to be and will never pretend to be. I have my days when I feel like I honestly want to get back at those who have hurt me and falsely accused me. Yes there are days when I wanted to yield to the flesh and do things my way because in my opinion God is not doing anything and I want to take matters in my own hands. Can I be real with you today?

Yes, I do have those days too. What I have come to realize though, and what I am still working on is this. No matter what I do or the accusations I throw at God for allowing certain things to happen around me and in my life, it does not change the specific time he has appointed for something to happen.

The truth is this. I was just stressing out myself having a losing battle fight with God. I wanted him to see how angry I was. I wanted to force my point through to him. I wanted to convince him that this is why I feel he should do this thing for me.

With my limited view on life and how it should be, compared to what God has in his plan for me, I am now learning to trust God completely and not to be his advisor, but allow him to take total control of my life, knowing and accepting that he is God; He sees and knows the beginning and the end of my life. He knows how the last chapter of my life will end.

As I got through the months of my pregnancy, I was so anxious about the baby. I wanted to start buying all kinds of baby things when I left the doctor’s office. I would have liked to hold my baby in my hands as soon as I felt him move inside me and hear his heart beat. I now know better than that. Every good thing takes time and preparation. As anxious as I was, I would have liked to feel my baby in my arms, I would not have wanted him to be born premature. We all know the complications that comes with it. The stress, the worries and the unknown takes a toll on you.

Finally when the day came and I carried him full term, oh the joy when I held him in my arms. My waiting was over. All my preparations and planning, making ready for his arrival was worth it all.
The point is, you don't want any type of premature blessing from God. The wait can be overwhelming at times and it seems like you would never give birth to that which you have been waiting on, but hold on. Your change is coming!

God will never allow you to be put in a situation that would not be of help to you in some area of your life. You may not see it now, but when it's all over and you are much calmer, you will say, wow! I am glad it didn't happen that time when I wanted it, look at how good it comes in now, I am sure you would have used those words many times in your life.

You were so confident you would get that job, that car, that house or that position so you would get the extra money and the perks that comes with it and then something didn’t go your way. Don’t get down, God knows when and how to give us good gifts.

It has been over a year now that I have been trying to get a job. I have applied to almost every job advertisement. I know that I am qualified and some say maybe even over qualified, but  still nothing. Should I give up on God and say this is long enough now? No! In one of the darkest times in my life when I wanted to literally give up on life and God, He came in my room that night when I was about to break mentally, emotionally and spiritually and in the weakest moments in my life, I cried out to him asking him to please help me get to sleep tonight because I am tired and I cannot sleep.

Depression was weighing me down. Just before he held me in his arms and rocked me to sleep he said, Ercille, I will NEVER leave you nor forsake me, I will be with you always.

After he personally spoke to me, he gave me a song, What a friend I have in Jesus....Oh what needless pain I bear, all because I do not carry, EVERYTHING to God in prayer. 

That night was one of the BEST sleep nights I ever had in my life. I  sought the lord and he heard me, and HE CAME and delivered me. I literally heard his voice when he spoke to me that night. I did not even know those words were in the Bible until I gave my testimony in Church when it was pointed out to me. Hebrews 13 vs 5. And that is when I grasped the true meaning of the words in that song, What a friend I have in Jesus. I had nobody else who I can turn to when I was giving up on life, BUT GOD showed up for me. Hallelujah.

Ever since that night, I have held on to that promise that he gave to me, and I have been reminding him of it ever since. When ever I get discouraged, I say God You Promise me that You would never leave me nor forsake me, so here I am Lord. I am not carrying anymore pain, you said it was needless and I refuse to. I give them to you that's why you reached so far down to help mankind.

This may sound humorous to you, but He came to my rescue and he made me a promise. And I am holding on to that promise. Job or no Job – GOD IS  WITH  ME  ALWAYS. No premature blessing! Wait for your appointed time!

Don't ever put something in God's hands and take it back out. You cannot and will never do a better job than him.

I had to come to a point in my life where I recognized that I had erred and confess my sins to God. Having done that, I made that day my TURNING POINT. He forgave me and reconciled me back to himself. I don’t care what you have gone through or going through. I don’t care what people have said about you or are saying about you now to try and keep you back, suppress you and tarnish your name. 

If you put EVERYTHING in the palm of God’s hands, ask him to forgive you and forever take care of your problems and issues, TODAY  CAN  BE  THE  TURNING  POINT  TO  SUCCESS  THAT  YOU  HAVE  BEEN  WAITING  FOR  ALL  YOUR  LIFE.

Sister Ercille French
Turning Point International (SKN)
. . . a division of Dare 2 Be Different International -

Whatsapp: 1-869-556-0008

Mobile: 1-869-663-2001

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