Sunday, April 19, 2015

Tonight's Combined Choir Concert At The St. Georges Anglican Church - AWESOME! Thanks Cindy Tully For The Invite

19th April, 2015

By: Brother Khrystus V. K. Wallace, President of Dare 2 Be Different International - since June, 2008

Historic St. Georges' Anglican Church - St. Kitts

Conaree - St. Kitts' Cindy Tully

Tonight's Combined Choir Concert At The St. Georges Anglican Church Was AWESOME! Thanks Cindy Tully For The Personal Invite! #amazing

In life, I am sure that we are fully aware that there is a good side and a probable bad side to everything we do. The bad side with regards to me writing so much online and spending so much time marketing on social media, is that people like Conaree - St. Kitts' Cindy Tully will start condemning me for not having A  LIFE because she's on my email list, doesn't have a facebook though and the only emails she claims to be receiving daily, comes from Khrystus Wallace.

Cindy, quite down to earth, extremely, extremely, extremely intelligent, fearless and outspoken person just like me, who loves the Lord a whole lot, therefore forced me to get off the computer and go out the house and attend her Combined Choir Concert tonight.

I am grateful that she personally came all the way from Conaree - St. Kitts yesterday, ASKED  MY MOTHER  FOR  A  CHAIR  AND  SAT  DOWN  IN  MY  YARD  UNTIL  I  RETURNED, just to hand deliver me a ticket to her choir concert which she had secured just for me. (BLUSHING!!!!!) - i kinda have a THING for bold girls. (ooops that slipped)

Now let's get into the meat of the article!

Under the more than abled leadership of Reverend Jeremy B. Francis, a very good friend of mine in gospel ministry, tonight's Combined Choirs from the St. Georges Anglican Church, The Moravian Churches and The St. Christopher Choral Society, accompanied by Mr. Christian Nathaniel on the organ and Mr. William's Brass Ensemble, held a whopping Hymn Festival at The Georges Anglican Church.

Rev. Jeremy Francis and son

At my Dare 2 Be Different International Victory Centre -, we sing mainly contemporary songs at our youth church and a few hymns now and again. Therefore it was indeed a treat to go back to my boy days and early church upbringing and hear many of the great and powerful hymns of the faith sung so lustily and melodiously.

What thrilled my heart even more was to listen to Sister Claudette Manchester give some history about the hymn and its writer before the singing of each hymn which was either rendered by the choir alone or the choir and congregation. That to me was the best part of the night, for as you are fully aware, reading and listening speeches and sermons is my forte.

It humbled me to learn of the trying and hurtful times many of the writers were experiencing when God's Holy Spirit impressed on them to put pen to paper.

I'm sure that as they look down from the portals of heaven, never in their wildest dreams, they would have ever thought that their songs of yesteryear would be making such a massive impact around the globe over the decades.

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh What a Hymn Night Tonight Was!

Let me now tell the world of the vessels that God used tonight to bless me and countless others through song.

Let's meet the choir!

Director:  Reverend Jeremy Francis

Accompanist: Christian Nathaniel

Narrator: Claudette Manchester


Andria Caines
Aslyn Broadbelt
Carloine DeSuza
Dianna Watts
Dorothy Martin
Elesia Maynard
Hazle Williams
Isilma Hendrickson
Jacklyn Benjamin
Jasmin Hanley
Lenoa Thomas-Walters
Ludencia Lennon
Marie Newton
Marilyn Rogers
Maruquia Lennon
Nadia Natta
Nell Jacobs
Nestrelda Bell-Browne
Nicola St. Catherine
Pamela Wall
Pauline Herbert
Pearline Elmes
Sally Norman
Sonia McPhail
Vennetta Ward
Vida Casey


Agnes Farrell
Ardis Bell
Cindy Tully
Constance Merchant
Elizabeth Condell
Linet Matthew
Robin Alexander
Yvonne M. Charles


Calvin Cable
Danielle Grant-Warner
George Warner
Parice Butage
Reginald O'Louglin


Batumba Tak
Clyde Richardson
Lawrence Rawlings
Oliver Richardson
Roland Archibald
Sydney Bridgewater

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