Saturday, April 11, 2015

What Is Your God Given Assignment?

11th April, 2015

Sister Ercille French, Director - Turning Point International (St. Kitts-Nevis)

Dear Global Reader,

What is your God given assignment?

Every day we wake up, some of us take the time out to give God thanks, while others just get out of bed and start fulfilling their personal ' to do list' basically saying God owes it to me for waking me up. 

Yes, there are sometimes, I know that you really rush out of bed and you don't even have time to say good morning to yourself never mind to  ask yourself, “hey how you doing today?” The hustles you all go through some days, I’m sure you sometimes wish you had another you.

Don't let anyone make you feel that there is no hope for you when the word of God is still very active!

Change the way you think and eventually your feelings will catch up!

Do not let negative people contaminate you. What goes on between your two ears dominate your life. Proverbs 23: 9 - who you listen to will determine your future. Ask Adam and Eve who they listened to in the garden (the serpent) story in Genesis chapter 3 . The devil himself will do it or he will assign people to you who will hold deceptive conversations  with you to convince you that what you are doing is right when God is saying its OUTRIGHT  WRONG. We need to silence the enemy!

You were created with an assignment, but you have to be willing to be used of God. Age has nothing to do with your God given assignment. He told Abraham in Genesis 17 vs 15-17 that he's going to have a child and God did it in Chapter 21 vs 1-3. The instructions you follow determine the season you create.

You were created with ideas and greatness but you have to activate them. You have to encourage yourself when you can't find anyone to do so. David had an assignment, but Saul had to die. Don't let any one stand in your way when you have an assignment.

Jacob had to wrestle with the angel. He didn't let that stop him from pursuing and conquering. You may walk away with a limp, but never give up on your God given assignment. Esther, even though she was an orphan, she didn't let her status in life stop her. She said, “If I Perish, I perish.”
You never know if you were called for such a time as this. Focus on the roses, not the mud on your feet!

Rehab was a PROSTITUTE – A  PROSTITUTE  I  SAY, but she had an assignment by protecting those men of God. What you used to be or what  you have done, should not prevent you from doing your assignment.

Paul and Silus did not let anyone stop them from doing their assignment. It’s like they thrived on the people’s criticism! YOU  SHOULD  TOO!  LET  PEOPLE  TALK – JUST  ALWAYS  REMAIN  FOCUSED!

Daniel continued to pray to his God during his trial. The three Hebrew boys were not afraid of the fiery furnace. The will of God can sometimes make you popular and other times get you into trouble. I call this GOOD  TROUBLE.

You may not have the majority but keep your conscience clean!

Decide with yourself that you would not allow society with their limited view of you to label you as nothing. No matter how spiritual some people may feel they are, they cannot take your anointing or your blessing!

It was given to you before the foundation of the world. He knew what you were going to do with it. God is never distracted by the events unfolding in your life. He doesn’t see you with his eyes, but with his heart.

Renew your mind. Romans 12 vs 2. Think BIG! Jesus is always thinking big!
He said you are above and not beneath.  I encourage you, to let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus. Philippians 2 vs 5

Make today your TURNING  POINT! Humbly pray and ask God to reveal to you what His assignment for you is and simple PURSUE  IT!

Sister Ercille French
Turning Point International (SKN)
. . . a division of Dare 2 Be Different International -

Whatsapp: 1-869-556-0008
Mobile: 1-869-663-2001

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